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First Name:
Last Name:
UNT Student ID Number:
Are you an Undergraduate or Graduate Student
UNT Email Address:
Contact Phone Number:
Street Address :
Zip Code:
Degree level:
Undergraduate Student
Graduate Student
Cumulative (UNT Overall) GPA:
Major GPA:
Transfer GPA:
Completed Credited Hours (At UNT):
Transfer hours:
Hours Enrolled This Semester:
Hours Enrolled Next Semester:
Are you planning on completing a Conflict and Human Security Minor or Certificate?
Do you have an interest in Peace Studies or Human Security?
Anticipated Semester and Year Graduating:
List your involvement in university organizations, community activities, honors, special awards, etc. Please include information about any leadership and community, political, or civic involvement.
If you are a graduate student, please describe your research interests such as your master's thesis, your dissertation topic, or significant courses you have taken or research papers you have written.
Tell us about your plans for your career, graduate school, law school, and any other related plans.
Unofficial Transcript:
Please attach a copy of your unofficial transcript from your MyUNT profile.
Files must be less than 10 MB.
Allowed file types: jpg jpeg png txt rtf pdf doc docx.
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Additional Files:
Please attach any additional files required by your application, such as an essay, a resume, or any other documents.
Files must be less than 10 MB.
Allowed file types: jpg jpeg png txt rtf pdf doc docx.
Drop files or click here to upload
Additional Files:
Please attach any additional files required by your application, such as an essay, a resume, or any other documents.
Files must be less than 10 MB.
Allowed file types: jpg jpeg png txt rtf pdf doc docx.
Drop files or click here to upload
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